velvtally's Diaryland Diary


Keep On Keeping On


Never stop writing. I want you to know this, you - the empty viods out there. Never stop. Writing makes us think, forces us to look at yourselves. Be, for my sake, never stop writing.

"Yes, but this is also coming from you, Ms. I Love" True, so I'm a bit of a bleeding heart. Bleeding heart or no, I still speak the truth. Write for writings sake. I've tried telling you this. Tried in vain to convince you all, to write on, if even for no one. But I, your bleeding heart, even had her doubts.

I talked to WeveLostControl tonight, and he in one simple word, "Indeed." Convinced me that....I should heed my own warnings. I'll tell you this. I will continue posting. Even if no one reads. Even if time makes you forget me. And hopefully, someone in passing will read my typed words and write of their findings on this strange trip we lovingly call "life."

In my last entry, I begged for proof. Proof that someone cares. I ended up answering my own prayers.

Nick - please, never stop. Write, write for me. Write to me, write to God for all I care, even to the steaming devils, just write.

Ryan - write, poetry-wise, I'll always appreciate your work.

Tori - Don't let the love behind insanity booklets die. We need them.

WeveLostControl - Thanks. :)

Dayna - I love you. I know this deosn't make things nice and neat, but talk. Write. Cry. Feel. Get back to me.

Aidan - You sexy bitch, you. :) I know your reading. Roar. :)

9:05pm - October 9th 2000


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