velvtally's Diaryland Diary



Greetingz All, my loyal on-lookers.

I know, I's far too early to worry about writing an entry right now, it's almost 10am on a Sunday for god's sake and I'm wide awake. My entire sleep pattern is fucked. I hate the fact that school has the ability to completely mess up my talent of sleeping 10 hours in a row. Gawd, send me summer and leave me happy.

Hey, you may ask, um....weren't you leaving or some such? The answer would be yes, I am. But not until this Friday, the 13th, that's when grades come out and my ass is offically grass. In all honestly, they will accomplish nothing by taking away my lovely computer. Somethings just don't change. Like my in ability to grasp the concept of modern mathematics. But if taking it away makes them feel better as parental units and keeps them from having to clearly look at the problem, then so be it.

On another far off the subject topic: I want to be cupid. I really do....I can across that yesterday. I want to be cupid and fix the shitty system of love we have. Love is shit. And one time Ryan wrote me and told me that love is not shit, it's just what it does to people that is shit. I agree. Love has played a major part in absolutely every aspect of my life since I was 5. And stupid freaking cupid just loves being a total ass to me. And to everyone else I've ever met. Me and Ryan are the perfect example of Cupid's boredom. But.....I suppose it's best not to get into that at this moment, seeing as if Nick doesn't even know. Hmm...note to self: Find the courage on day to tell Nick about the span in your life from 13 to 15. But I'm getting off subject here. Which is why, my fellow lovers, cupid must die. And I must take his place to right the wrongs he has committed against us for an eternity.

Is it out of comtempt for us that he does this? It's not like he can't get love, he's the god of it for crying out loud! He could have the virgin Mary if he wanted. So it can't be that.

Umm.....boredom? Prolly. Solution? Hand the arrows over to someelse for a while Trigger-Happy.

Ok, ok, I'm off my tangent. And now I'm curious.

Does anyone read this? Seriously, other than Nick. Does any one really care what goes on in my twisted head? If you do, please contact me. If not, I may as well retire this page.

P>S> Aslan. I'm here. I saw your page and thanks. Email me, k? We can talk of spider monkeys or some such. :)

9:51am - October 8th 2000


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