velvtally's Diaryland Diary



Mushy song lyric of the day: "Do you always trust your first initial feeling? A special knowledge holds true, bears believing." Stevie Nicks - Crystal

That's for you, Day-Day. :) I'm thinking about you, have fun in Oregon, I pray you find the life you've been wishing for. Rawn on little chick-a-dee. Oh! And by the way! Your guestbook needs a little altering. The color of the type makes it imposibble to see where your info. needs to be. :) Or did you do that on purpose, evil gurl? :)

*deep long sigh* Today officially sucked major hairy goat nads thru a straw. It wasn't an extremely bad day, nothing that sent me home crying. Just your average sucky day, that could have been so much better if Fate didn't have a grudge against me. Just the usual little annoyances.

I've got a mile to run for stupid Gym/Driver's Ed, got mandatory state testing in English 11 (and hour and thirty minutes of writing so that the state think I'm worthy of their suck ass schools). My mom can't find a job, and money is so tight it's rediculous. My throat is sore, and I know I'm bound for cold. ERGH. I can't afford to get sick right now.......*fit of rage*

Ok, ok....I'm somewhat better now.....ugh...AND Ryan hasn't been on....which, surprisingly enough, I'm not too worried about. For once. Maybe I am somewhat normal......

6:20pm - October 17th 2000


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