velvtally's Diaryland Diary



Awww....*dramatic blushing*

Dayna! My gurl! Hehehehe, I saw your page on your gonna make me blush and cause me to become a total blushing ditz for the remainder of this entry. :)

The awaiting public will not be pleased with my being re-verted to three year old status. :)*giggle*...forgive me...Day wrote this entire page about how cool she finds me. And know I'm gonna feel all narcissitic for writing about it.

She said I wrote beautifully, she said she listens.

That made my day, ...I've known her for 3 years know, and was my total bitching buddy back when I still lived in GA. I miss you!

I miss hanging out on your bed and listening to Incubus, and dodging on you about your current love interests..and...playing horribly on your piano. :) And daydreaming about us moving to California and starting a skater/peircing shop and sharing an apt.

Which I still plan on doing.

Don't forget our plans! Cali or bust, baby! :)

Even if I have to drag Nick kicking and screaming.

Oregon CANNOT have you!!!!!! I love you, I miss you. I'll come back to GA when I can.......*deep sigh* Rawk on, gurlie gurl. Rawn ok. :)

6:12pm - October 16th 2000


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