velvtally's Diaryland Diary



All is restless and the winds are no longer calm. I warned you, my pateint ones, that this day would come. I hinted about it in one of my earlier entries. Tommorrow afternoon, after my uncle is done lecturing me on my stupidi and irresponsibility, I will be gone.

Gone, gone. I won't in anyway be back on the net for at least four weeks. That is if my uncle goes spaztic, which he no doubt will. He's my uncle. He;s a Wyrick. He's in the Navy. Things of this nature are simply not tolerated.

And so, leave you, lest a miricle comes by and saves me. *pray, pray*

Leave your names in my guestbooks, my pretties. I'll miss you. Lots.

But you'll all do just fine without me to confuse and jumble you.


6:07pm - October 12th 2000


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