velvtally's Diaryland Diary



Today would have been the perfect day.

Had I not come home to the horror that is my reality. At least at school, I can work and not have to think for a good 8 hour span. But as soon as I walk in that door I'm just another failure to the family.

I've been good this week I swear. I've done my chores, haven't back talked, haven't broken curfew, what more do you want from me? I don't do drugs, I'm not sexually active, I don't sell newborn babies on the black market. Please, just get off my ass!

This entire week has been: "Let's see how much we can piss off Krystal."

And it's worked. Everytime I turn around someone's pissed at me for one reason or another. I can't fucking keep anyone happy. Including myself.

Mom is pissed at me for apparent attitude.

how can I give you attitude if I told say three words to you all day, woman?

And Raven is pissed at me. *fucked again* And he left. And he won't talk to me. And he'll probably never talk to me again. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Can someone please be happy with me? For fucking once, that's all I ask. What did I do....

4:39pm - September 19th 2000


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