velvtally's Diaryland Diary




I have to talk about Ryan.

*reminds herself*

Right now before the real world bogs me down with shit to do. I have to write about him before I get too tired to think. :)

(Yes, Nick, I know you'll be the tiniest bit jealous or not about me writing a whole thing on some guy and not you. Forgive me, this has to be done.)



Ryan Carl.

Ryan Carl Schoppe to be extremely exact.

He's my best friend.

(Or should I say best guy friend?)

I can't really think of anyone else I'm that close to. (Save for you Nick, but your my love, not a platonic friend of mine.)

He's......ugh...what to say?....the ultimate.

And I have to write about him right now so that tommorrow when he gets my message he can see this.

Right now, his not-so-smart sister *GLARE!* has run up their phone bill so FrEaKiNg high that Ryan can only get on the net in the wee morning hours.

And for about the past two weeks, I haven't seen him any, at all. Save for the occasional message: "Can't talk, hope your good. Love you. Bye."

I've known him for 3 years. 3 pretty harsh years. He knew me when my world had just started getting creepy. I met him when I was 13, like my first day on mIRC. (Pre-ICQ.)

He's wonderful.

He thinks my insanity is absolutely hilarious. :)

He helped me out when things were mucky and dark and hard to deal with.

Even tho he had no clue what he was doing nor what was going on.

We did well.

We fit.

We're puzzle pices, we complete each other.

And we weren't always allowed to talk. I used to go months without my computer. Being punished for various reasons. We even went an entire year without speaking. No snail mail, no anything.


It was like losing my other half.

And to think of it now, me and Ry have never really had much time together. :)

Something always comes up.

I move, or I get punished, or his house burns down. :)

*would read out the list but you guys are already bored as fuck*

And once again we're separted.

I wanted you to see this Ry.

I don't know why.

I never do. >:^)

This is for you.

Silly Boi! When you find yourself alone, I'm here, you know this!! So have fun, I missses you much. Please come *home* soon, my universe is a little smaller and darker without you.

*places a missing sign over the part of her heart where Ryan should be*

I'll see you when I see you....

9:10pm - September 15th 2000


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