velvtally's Diaryland Diary


The Call

Morning, all my lonely hearts. *sigh* I confuse myself, more today than alot in the past. Hmm..that didn't make much sense did it? No, but what ever does when I type it?

Now, Nick, don't be angry, or dispointed when I type about this and you inevitably read this and get a slight bit pissy. Or maybe you won't. *shrugs* It's too early in the morning to worry right now. No worries, just type and get something productive done before your torn away. I know you wanted me to call you to comfort you on the passing of your nana to a nursing home. And if I could have I would have, and you KNOW this. But, I called (or rather Tori and I called) Ryan last night.

Ergh! Even before you start asking questions, listen. You know how Tori is, and how set in her ways she is. And she promised me, long before your nana thing, that she'd use a bit of her phone time to let me talk to 'silly boi'. And no, I could not have convinced her to let me call you. She's Tori, it doesn't work that way. That, and you know you'll be alright. I'm not saying that just to get you off my back ethier. I couldn't do that. But still, I don't want an angry evioce when you read this, yelling at me because you had 'dibs' over rights to talk to me.

And I'm sure I'm just worried, and they you'll be fine with this. But give me a break. I don't how you're gonna react. I don't get the oppitsite sex, I can't read minds, I can't tell how you're feeling today and how you're going to choose to take it. Hence, why I wrote an entire paragraph on it.

PS> (Before I get into details about lovely Ryan.) If you had called Benson, I wouldn't have minded. :) So, just don't get huffy!

Onward! Anyways, before I took that little detour, Tori and myself called Ryan last night. *content sigh* That was worth waiting three years. (Dayna! Hehehehehe.) And I'm sure he was totally lost, cuz me and Tori talked on and on, and we're so loud and boisterious and his vioce is soft and low. You little man whore. I love you. :)

I talked to him on ICQ this morning and he told me I had 'clear vocal tones." Leave it to Ryan to know how to sum up one's vioce in one geeky roit nerd phrase. Rawk on, silly boi.

He sleeps now, and I type. I have work to accomplish today. So I cannot stay and platter my life away. (Watch for that line in an upcoming poem.)

Speaking of poems, I usually post mine on a website callef the Starlite Cafe. I haven't posted a new on since like....June.....I feel bad. I need to post! I'm just such a lazy ass. I can come on here and type about my boring life but find posting poetry (a process which takes mere minutes) to be time-consuming.

And so, I flee.

**Amadeo: I thought of you. Now you cannot complain.

**Tori: I hope you don't die.

**Dayna: Be safe in Oregon.

**Nick: Talk to me.

**Ryan: Sleep well.

**Vlad: Love, love, love, like tomorrow is the end of your world.

**Aslan: Where are you?

**Raven: I mentioned you for once. :) Hehehehe.

**Bunni: Happy Belated B-Day, my lovely gurl.

**Perg: Pimp, Perg, Pimp.

**Kristan: When the Hell are you coming back?

**Wind: *pout* That alone says it all.

Ok, ok, I'm really going now.....

11:09am - October 21st 2000


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